Understanding Your Bills
Learn about the multitude of charges that appear on your utility bills. Find tips on how to reduce utility cost.

Who We Are
For millions of Missouri homes and businesses, investor-owned utility companies operating as state-sanctioned monopolies are the sole provider of essential electric, natural gas, water, wastewater, and/or steam heat services. The Missouri Office of the Public Counsel (OPC) was established in 1975 to represent and protect the interests of the public receiving such services.

Eminent Domain
Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo v. New London that allowed property to be seized to make way for developments that would generate more tax revenue, the Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain was formed to analyze Missouri's laws regarding the use of eminent domain and issue recommendations that better protect the rights of property owners when the use of eminent domain is being considered.
Consumer Frequently Asked Questions
We Want To Hear From You
The Office of Public Counsel possesses the authority and duty to appear before the Public Service Commission and “represent and protect the interests of the public in any proceeding before or appeal from” the Public Service Commission. (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 386.710).