Office of the Ombudsman for Property Rights
Advocating on Behalf of Missouri Property Owners
The Missouri Ombudsman for Property Rights assists Missouri citizens "by providing guidance, which shall not constitute legal advice, to individuals seeking information regarding the condemnation process and procedures." The Ombudsman also documents the use of eminent domain in Missouri along with any issues associated with its use and submits that information in an annual report to the General Assembly.
The Ombudsman’s office is within the Missouri Office of the Public Counsel.
If you have questions regarding condemnation of property through the use of eminent domain, please contact the Ombudsman for guidance.

About Us
Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo v. New London that allowed property to be seized to make way for developments that would generate more tax revenue, the Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain was formed to analyze Missouri's laws regarding the use of eminent domain and issue recommendations that better protect the rights of property owners when the use of eminent domain is being considered.
The final recommendations of the Task Force were incorporated into HB 1944, which was subsequently passed by the Missouri General Assembly on May 5, 2006. The legislation contained 16 of the 18 recommendations introduced by the Eminent Domain Task Force. As a result, Office of the Ombudsman for Property Rights was created to assist citizens by providing free consultations and help them understand the eminent domain process.